Setting up your store: Connect your store and Review app preferences

Setting up your store : Connect your store and Review app preferences

Once you have decided to start dropshipping in India with vFulfill, the most important step is that you need to connect your Shopify store and review your app preferences as per your liking.

To be able to do so, follow the simple steps listed below: 

Step 1: In your vFulfill dashboard, under Your Quick Start Guide click on the Setting up your store. Now under Setting up your store - you need to configure 2 sections:  

  1. Connect your Shopify Store
  2. Review App Preferences (This will ensure how vFulfill will tune in settings to your preferred way)

Step 2: Connect your Shopify store

  1. Click on Connect store and Enter the URL of your Shopify store. Now, click on 'Connect'.

In case you do not have any store, you can also create a new store.

  • Now, login to your Shopify account and click on Install 
In case you would want to connect multiple stores in your vFulfill account, then you can simply go to View Data For >> Add Shopify Store >> Enter your Shopify  URL >> Connect. 

Now, your store is connected!

Step 3:  Soon after, you would need to again go to Your Quick Start Guide >>  Setting up your store >> Review App Preference. 

Now, there are 4 sections under review app preference,

1. Basic Settings

Under this section, you need to decide whether or not you want vFulfill to automatically publish products to your Shopify Store directly from vFulfill dashboard. 

Click on Save Settings to confirm. 

We recommend switching it ON because it gives you the facility to manage your stores directly from vFulfill. 

2. Global Pricing rules

You will need to define the Global Pricing Rules under this section, there are 2 costs mentioned,

  • vFulfill Price: This is the price that would show at your Shopify store against any product. This price is by default 2X the AliExpress price. [You can change it basis your own algorithm but we recommend keeping this as 2X]
  • Compared At Price: This price is what would show at your Shopify store as a compared price. This price is by default 4X the AliExpress price

For example: When we shop online, we sometimes come across 2 prices of the same product - wherein it is said that the Original Price is INR 5000 but that store will give it for INR 2500. 
This is a lucrative way to lure customers into showing how much money they will save if they buy from that store. 

3. RTO Settings

You need to determine what happens when an order is returned to delivery. You have 2 options,

  • Opt for vFulfill Buyback program: If you opt for this option, then in case your order is RTO - we will buy back that product from you and will be keeping it with us. 
  • Set My Address As Origin: If you opt for this option, we will simply deliver the product that has been marked RTO at your mentioned address.

These settings are to be configured before you take any action on your orders since these are the final settings for any order. 

Please note that in case you change the settings after you have placed the order - the system would work as per what the settings were when you originally placed the order. 

Let’s say - You attempted to deliver an order to your customer and that order got marked an RTO and you do not want to avail the buyback for that product, in that case, rather you want that order to be delivered to your own address. 

Now, in such cases, you need to make sure that you change the settings from Opt for vFulfill Buyback program to Set My Address As Origin before you Verify & Order that particular order to vFulfill. 

4. Serviceable Pin codes

Under this section, you can find a list of all the serviceable PIN Codes in India. 

You can upload this list in your Shopify store to make sure that the orders which you receive would be for these PIN Codes only. 

This way you would not have to worry about the non-serviceable orders because you would be getting the orders only from the PIN Codes which are serviceable. 

Your Review App Preferences are store-wise settings however, the Settings under the Profile Icon are the Universal Settings which means that these Universal Settings are the same for all Users. However, the Review App Preferences (Under the Settings tab) are Store wise settings that differ as per the store. 

You can also Add Users to your vFulfill dashboard at your convenience since you may not want to disclose all your account details to your teammates. Refer to the guidebook here, to understand how you can add Users to your vFulfill dashboard.  

Up next, read here to understand how you can prepare for your orders by adding funds and importing products. 
Note: If you feel that we missed out on something then, please let us know at and we’ll definitely put it up here.

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