What is a Sub-User Module in vFulfill Dahsboard

What is a Sub-User Module in vFulfill Dashboard

We at vFulfill take your feedback quite seriously and the team has been working on a feature that was long requested by many of you and it’s finally here!!

Today, we are happy to announce that the feature to Enable Multiple Subusers within your vFulfill dashboard” is LIVE! 

Introducing, vFulfill’s Subuser Module version

Now, as a store owner, you can define the level of access you would want to give to any subusers in your vFulfill panel. 

Wondering why it is so important?  Let’s dive in!

1. What is vFulfill’s subuser module? 

For any eCommerce, the biggest concern is protecting the store’s confidential data  [The products they are scaling, it’s pricing, hot areas it is selling at, order volume, etc.] & collaborative use of dashboard with the team!

There can be times - when keeping a track of the kind of access given to individuals in the company can be tiresome. 

Our subuser module makes it super easy. It is an enhanced in-built feature within the vFulfill dashboard that enables the store owner to create, manage and assign custom permissions to their sub-users. 

You can now define the subuser's roles & responsibilities in line with your company’s needs.

2. Why is it important for any eCommerce store owner? 

Like we mentioned above protecting the store’s confidential data is of prime importance. 

This module makes it easy for the store owner to protect data and manage the subusers on site. This actually is an important feature since:

  • It gives the store owner full control to create and manage subusers 
  • Ability to provide custom-access to subusers based on their work tasks 
  • It will ensure data protection and collaborative use of the dashboard 
  • It makes sure that no one has more access than they need
  • Also helps in a smooth and streamlined workflow where people will not have to rely on one another to do their daily tasks

3. How does this module work? 

It works in a way that you being the ‘Store Owner’ can assign a specific role or a customized role to your subuser based on the level of access and permission you wish to provide for performing essential administrative tasks.

To be able to do this, first, you need to create custom roles with a set of permission that you would want to give to the user and later map these roles to the newly created subusers. 

For e.g.: If you want a subuser to just verify orders on your account, you need to: 
      1. Create a custom role and select the accesses needed to verify orders on the account 
      2. Add a subuser and select the above custom role from the list of roles against the user 

Now you might ask what are these custom roles? 

4. What is a custom role?

Custom roles allows you to grant dashboard access to a subuser in a more granular way than built-in roles, whenever they’re needed. 

A. How to create a custom role? 

Creating a custom role for granting permission is a two-step process that involves creating a custom role and then assigning it a subuser: 

Step 1: In your vFulfill dashboard, go to Profile Icon >> Manager Users 

Step 2: Make sure the “Roles” list tab is selected, and click on “Add New Role” on top right. 

Step 3: Select the permissions you wish to provide the subuser. In case you wish to roll out all the permissions under one module to one particular user, then simply click on “Select
All” located on the right side of the section.
Note: You can also select all permission at once by simply clicking on “Select All Permissions & Continue” down below. 

Step 4: Click on continue to name your custom role. 

Step 5: Click on continue again to add a new role. You can now assign this role to any of your new or existing subusers. 

B. How to add new subusers?

Before individuals in your organization can begin using the vFulfill panel, you need to add subuser and define their roles: 

Step 1: In your vFulfill dashboard, go to Profile Icon >> Manager Users.

Step 2: Make sure the User’s list tab is selected, and click on “Add New User” on top right.

Step 3: Fill in the required user’s details on the pop-up form 
  • User’s Name 
  • Email ID 
  • Select Stores: You can select multiple stores for a single user 
  • Select user role from the list of custom roles you created or create a new custom role in-line with the workflow of the subuser.

Step 4: If you selected “Create Custom Role”, you will have to select the permissions that you want in for the custom role and add a name to the role. You can always assign this role to other users.

Step 5: Click on "Set/Review Permissions" to continue and add new user. 

Important Note: 
  1. While this is an important update, and to ensure everything is streamlined from this point onwards, the existing subuser setting in your existing account would be set back to default. 
  2. We request you follow the above simple steps to create a new subuser list and assign permission as per your workflow. 
  3. Rest assured, this is to make things better, we wish for your cooperation.

Up next, read here to understand some frequently asked questions.
Note: If you feel that we missed out on something then, please let us know at support@vfulfill.io and we’ll definitely put it up here.

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